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Diigo – The underestimated Social Bookmarking Solution

The social bookmarking scene is nowadays quite crowded. Behind the grandfather site of them all,, many other solutions such as Digg, Ma.gnolia, Reddit, Mister Wong, … have appeared bringing here a richer interface and there some richer features.

Another of these contender is Diigo.

I have selected to use Diigo after trying out, sometimes in parallel, several of the other solutions. Why did I choose Diigo? Because it has all the features I was looking for;

  • a nice, fast and ergonomic bookmarking interface
  • a pretty neat website
  • solid but unobtrusive social networking features
  • a one click ‘send web page per email’ feature that is using my GMail account flawlessly without any configuration on my part

As with most other social bookmarking sites, you have the possibility to keep your bookmarks private or public.

You can also point directly to a particular tag or set of tags.

Then you can add Friends, create Lists, Groups, join Communities, meet People, ….

Really powerful!

So if you’re interested in sharing bookmarks, it’s right HERE.

Oh, and something I discovered today, when bookmarking a site, you can Tweet about it automatically!

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Commentaires (3)

Tweet about it, that’s interesting!

Thanks Pascal.

I believe I did when I wrote the post, but I guess I can do it again …

Currently i am using, a very professional bookmarking tool, with categorization and tagging.Guys worth trying. and Its free..

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