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From Knowledge Management to Communities of Practice to Enterprise 2.0

A few days ago, I mentioned in a conversation on Apprendre 2.0, a French speaking community sharing on the topic of using the 2.0 tools in a teaching environment, that I had written a paper on Communities of Practice.

One of the member, Jadlat, asked me if he could have a look at the paper since CoPs are one of his pet interests of the moment.

This request lead me to digg into my archives to find the paper which had been written in 2002. Once I found it I started reading it again, and realized that I could use it as the basis of a series of posts …

In this paper, I described how an interest in Best Practice Sharing led me to discover Knowledge Management and Communities of Practice.

While reading it, I realized that all the concepts that I described 6 years ago were just the beginning of what we today know as Enterprise 2.0 …

I thought it would be interesting to go from the various chapter/paragraphs I wrote then, and see how it relates to today’s Enterprise Social Tools …

I will therefore, in the coming days / weeks, regularly post a part of my paper along with some comments on how I see it today …

Stay tuned …

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Commentaires (2)

i wait this posts with a great interrest.

[…] best practices, enterprise 2.0, knowledge management | Here we go (finally!) with Part II of my little journey back in time. If you’ve missed Part I, just click […]

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