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McKinsey Global Survey on Building the Web 2.0 Enterprise

McKinsey just released an overview of their second annual survey on the business use of Web 2.0 technologies …

What it basically tells us, is that not only do more organizations (worldwide) embrace what some call the Enterprise 2.0, even if I prefer the terms Enterprise Social Softwares (ESS), but they are adopting more of the tools available from web 2.0.

Last year, our respondents said that their companies had adopted just over two Web 2.0 tools on average; this year, those companies have adopted two and a half from the same list and more than three from an expanded one.

Also, the survey showed that more organizations are going beyond the firewall, and start collaborating with their Customers and Suppliers through ESS!

Companies report that they are using Web 2.0 both within and outside their walls—to forge tighter links with customers and suppliers and to engage employees more successfully.

Another change this year, is that companies are starting to change the way they work and are organized. To me that is one of the most crucial points, because it tells that ESS is here to stay!

These companies are not only using more technologies but also leveraging them to change management practices and organizational structures. Some are taking steps to open their corporate “ecosystems” by encouraging customers to join them in developing products and by using new tools to tap distributed knowledge.

On the negative side, the survey revealed that a bit more than a fifth of the respondents are dissatisfied with their experience using ESS! Some of them have even stopped using them altogether … It would be nice to analyze the reasons behind this decision. Those would be the pitfalls to avoid in order to succeed …

It is too bad however that the article does not reveal any details on the organizations that were contacted, they only mention that « The McKinsey Quarterly conducted the survey in June 2008 and received responses from 1,988 executives from around the world. All data are weighted by the GDPs of the constituent countries to adjust for differences in response rates.« . There is no telling if these were both large corporations and SMEs … I fear that almost only Corporations were approached by McKinsey … too bad …

There is however some information on the geographical differences. Europe is clearly lagging behind the other regions (India, North America, China and South-East Asia) on most tools used in ESS …. The old continent is generally allways a bit slow to catch up on new trends (who said conservatist?), so Iguess that the gap will close in the coming years …

So all in all, ESS are making their way into more and more organizations. Those who will not or can not adopt them will surely lose competitive advantages …

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