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Online CV with a twist

Thanks to Techcrunch France I have discovered DoYouBuzz about month ago.

There a are many online CV websites around, so what’s so special about it that Techcrunch FR talked about it ?

  • Well I would mention its great interface and ease of use. It’s a true no brainer; in a few clicks and typing you have a very nice looking CV resembling a web site.
  • You can define which modules you want to use (professional experience, skills, education, portfolio, contact), and many are still to come like languages, computer skills, …
  • To a point, you may decide where on the page each module should appear.
  • Several themes are available so that you may choose which one reflect best your personality.
  • People visiting your website may download your CV either in word format or in pdf.

DoYouBuzz is still in private beta, but I must say that the job done so far is quite impressive.

The only drawback is that being a French company, DoYouBuzz is only available in French. They do plan to allow translations of the CVs, but I don’t know of any plan to have the whole service (i.e. website) in other languages, which would be a great plus in my humble opinion …

The team is also very customer focused and responsive; they use the service of the excellent Get Satisfaction (I plan on writing about Get satisfaction in a future post) to learn about people’s needs or grudges. See how fast they answered to one of my questions.

So if you’d like to see my online CV, click on the DoYouBuzz logo in the left sidebar, or click here.

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Commentaires (4)

I feel that DoYouBuzz must offer the service also in English otherwise this is going to make DoYouBuzz very limited to France only. I would recommend that they get it working also in English before going live. BTW, nice CV presentation.

I was very quickly drawn to this post … and then I very quickly made my way to DoYouBuzz and to my chagrin it was not available in the two languages I speak… 🙁

Hi Jose,

thank you for you comment!

Indeed, that is one of the main drawbacks of DoYouBuzz … it is in French!

They do offer (or will offer) in the premium account a possibility to translate your CV … but that still leaves the admin side in French!

A pity, especially with a service name in English! ;o(

Hi Jose,

I’m sorry about your frustration! We’re planning to release DoYouBuzz in English as soon as we can (in 2009). The French version allows us to experiment with the functionnalities more conveniently and we don’t wan’t to rush into releasing an English version until the service is ready.

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