Je viens de tomber sur le blog de Christophe Ginisty, Directeur Général Adjoint Edelman EMEA, et plus particulièrement sur son…
Selecting the right communication media/channel is an important task for a Marketer. Industrial B-to-B Marketing is no exception! I just…
Je ne suis pas un grand fan des billets de type « checklist », mais Yann Gourvennec vient de publier une série…
As you know, I had the opportunity to attend the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Frankfurt last week. It was a…
As stated in my previous post, I have been invited to the Enterprise 2.0 Summit as an Ambassador. As such,…
I have been selected to take part in the E2.0 Summit ‘Ambassador Program’ next October in Frankfurt, Germany! ;o) So…
There has been quite a lot of talk about Enterprise 2.0 lately, thanks to the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in San…
Once again the folks at Commoncraft hit the nail right on! [youtube=]
This article will be in French since it proposes a way to translate ‘Social Marketing’ in French .. Si vous…
Found via @bduperrin, this video is spot on! [youtube=]